Monday, May 7, 2012

Dr. Feelgood

Epic appointment with new primary physician today.  She's a former marathon runner and currently competes in a few triathalons each summer. I gave her 3 pages of concerns. Here's the skinny:
1) Pulse 58.  Aaron - challenge taken and I failed!  However, my blood pressure was 100/60 - pretty good.
2) Albuterol inhaler to take as needed for my exercise-induced asthma.  This is why I have some problems breathing when running.  I am thinking this will be super helpful.
3)  Immodium for the gastric distress (aka runner's trots) and desitin for the problems the diarrhea creates. Lucy will outgrow the diaper rash cream before I do.
4)  Apparently I have a hectic schedule, highlighted by my statement; "A 7 or 8 mile run is a nice, welcome break." This may be why I get sick every month. She suggested I start cutting down by only doing one class on Mondays. Hmmmm.....we'll see :).
5) I am officially in "The Club" as I have one dead toenail on each foot from running.  Nothing can be done - wear the battle wounds with pride.
6) She ordered a bunch of labs so we'll see what those results bring.

I ran 5.6 miles on Saturday and 7 miles today.  It has been cold, rainy and windy here.  Tough conditions for running.  I plan to do a short run on Wednesday before my softball game, a short run on Friday night and a long run on Saturday morning.
Next week will be just a couple of short runs to rest up for the BIG DAY!!

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