Monday, August 6, 2012

Ummmmm. Yeah.

I have been up to my usual mix - running, boot camp class, tabatas class and thai boxing class.  I like mixing the strength training in with the cardio and don't do as well on the weights when I am lifting solo.  However, I just have not been running or working out as much as I should be.  Hopefully getting back into the blogging will provide me with the kickstart I need.

Summer softball season is over - we ended up in fourth place - 9 wins, 4 losses.  Fall ball starts next week.  We have practice this week.  How depressing....

My latest obsession - back to diet.  For some reason I decided to count my daily carb intake and realized that I take in double my recommended intake. Too many carbs are BAD for you and can cause diabetes. So, I've been trying a couple small changes to decrease the carbs and increase the protein.  It's been hard because a lot of my high protein food choices are also high in carbs.  This has resulted in some serious hunger. I need to figure it out before I accidentally eat the kids.

Where do you go to find reliable information on diet and fitness?

I tried to sign up for Twin Cities Half Marathon a couple months back, but registration was closed.  I guess that race fills up super fast.  Bria is going to run the Full, so I will have to be happy with cheering her on.  Not sure if I will try signing up for anything else this year - would be nice to do something in the fall (Octoberish).  I am also going to do an obstacle course race next year (Jill said she would come to town and do it with me) and I also think it would be fun to do a Zombie run if I could find a few team mates (hint, hint).

Please send kudos out to my hubbie - he did a Century on Saturday in the Tour de Tonka.  From what I gather it's kind of like a runner doing a marathon.  He did a great job and now he can cross it off his bucket list!!

1 comment:

  1. Centuries are tough stuff! Way to go, Paul!

    Also, I do Weight Watchers. Not sure how reliable it is, but when I abide, I lose weight : ) The magic points calculator takes into account fat, protein, carbs, and fiber.
