Thursday, March 22, 2012

I need a Doppler

Did the Lake Run around Medicine Lake last night.  I read there was going to be a high of 70 F, so I packed a tank top and shorts.  I am not sure what the actual temp was while I was running, but it was not 70 F - pretty chilly.  All the bikers were all bundled up.  One woman walking actually had a jacket and a winter hat.  There were a couple guys running with sleeveless t-shirts that gave me the running club nod saying "Stay Strong Sister".
However, I am not complaining about these temps and being able to run outside!  There is a downside - no porta potties out yet, none of the bathrooms are open and the woods provide no cover without leaves.  I was SOL yesterday.  I realized all of this around Mile 5 yesterday while desperately searching for some relief.  The last two miles were very tough and reminiscent of last year -  the walk/run with cheeks clenched that I have perfected.  At one point I run on a couple boardwalks over marsh.  I was actually formulating a plan in my mind that I would climb over the chain link fence on the side of the boardwalk and squat under the boardwalk.  I thought this would be great cover, but when I looked down I figured I would just sink in the marsh and worried a little about what types of creatures I may encounter.

Miles: 7 and some change
Pace: 10:00 min/miles

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