So Who Wants More in '13
Run. Ralph. Rally. Ralph. Repeat. Ralph. Repeat. Run. Ralph. Rally. Ralph. Run. Rally. Ralph. Run. Repeat. Repeat. Run. Rally.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
Raise Your Hand If You Ran A Half Marathon Tonight
I talked to my Momma Bear right before I went on my run...I told her about my sore foot...and she told me to take it easy.
Thanks for the motivation Momma...
Fridays Run
I went for a run outside on Friday...because it was really nice almost 60 degrees. Its the first time I ran outside since 'Nam.
I went 7.11 miles...and then woke up Saturday with a sore I took the weekend off from running and replaced it by eating 5,000 calories a day of Easter Candy...EPIC FAIL. GUILTY. I NOW HAVE A THICK CANDY SHELL...
Should look good as a pastel egg at Boo Boo's wedding.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Cougar Town
My brother gets married in less than 2 weeks and its freaking me
I think my sister turns 40 this week as well?
I did manage to run 6.6 more miles was amazing.
I think it might be time to take my relationship with the treadmill to the next level. That's right...we are going from friends with benefits. Figure that one out.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
7 miles yesterday...and another 10 miles today...
That's a very productive weekend on the treadmill.
My legs are sore...and I struggled through much of that 10 miles.
Progress was made.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
So I am in the gas station this morning when the guy in front of me in line says "Wow, this town sucks." Turns out he had just got out of jail. He smelled he had just left the bar and had been drinking all night...not sitting in jail all night.
He then proceeded to say that the police officer told him he blew a .28 which was 3x the legal limit. He then tried to take .08 times 3 but couldn't come up with the right number.
Stay classy my friend, stay classy.
I ran 7 miles today in 60:45...
Solid day on the its basketball the rest of the day.
And yes, I was alone in Anytime having the whole place to myself.
Friday, March 22, 2013
I Am A "B"
Had to have a quick health check up on Thursday for my health insurance...turns out I scored a 3.05 out of 4. That's a B...So says my sheet.
Apparently they think I'm a little too thick around the mid section. That too is a bunch of horseshit...just like the do to list my brother sent me today...
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
You Are Not Alone
I love that Boo Boo is blogging...what a rush.
I did some speed work tonight (I also made a delicious sirloin steak tonight) ... went a total of 5 miles in 47 minutes...Here is what the workout looked like...
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
March Madness Is Upon Us
Easily the best week of the year for me. The first week of the NCAA tourney...awesome.
I gained 4 pounds in 1.5 days at home...Thanks was worth it. Got back on the treadmill tonight to see if I couldn't run some of those delicious calories off...
I went 6.65 miles in 60 minutes. All was good.
Mom..Laney wants to play tug with you. Lets schedule something.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Spring Break...........
So far so good with my pain today, just sore!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Off the IR.............
I'm happy to say that I'm fianlly off the IR. I can finally walk and run without any pain at all. That's something that I couldn't say over the last 2-3 months. I actually ran two times this week. I went for about a 2 mile run on Sunday and I just got done with a 3 mile run this morning.
It felt good to get out and run again. I left the apartment at 6:30 this morning and it was a perfect 65 degrees. My goal is to make running part of my routine, so we will see. I'll keep you posted.
How many people do you think were at Anytime Fitness tonight from 10 to 11? It was me and 2 other losers at the gym at 10 pm on a Friday night.
I had another good run...I went 6.75 miles in 61 minutes...
I ran 4 times this week for a total of 22.5 miles...that's not a ton of miles but I think I made good progress this week.
I weighed in at 190.2 lbs this morning...that means I'm down about 20 lbs from a couple months ago. Good stuff.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Silence Scares Me Because It Screams The Truth
I forgot to blog last night about my run. How disappointing to all my readers (I'm talking about you Mom). I did 6.25 miles last night in an hour...doing some speed work along with some regular jogging.
Tonight I did nothing but speed work on the treadmill...I managed to go 5 miles in 46 minutes.
How do you know when you are in Brookings?
When you go to the the area where everyone leaves their jackets and footwear.....there are just as many cowboy boots sitting there as there are tennis shoes...this is the only city I have witnessed this craziness.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Always On...Slightly Off
I remember last year when my brother and sister were training for the Fargo Half Marathon...good times. I think Boo Boo even blogged once.
I miss Lori's weekly stories about how she has to plan her training runs around bathrooms because she knew she would have to drop the kids off at the pool for swimming lessons.
I guess they better get healthy before they start training again...
I made a trip to the doctor today because I was getting to the point I couldn't breathe anymore. So, I now have my inhalers refilled and might start taking my allergy shots again...turns out our insurance really sucks through least compared to what we had through Binghamton.
I did some speed work today...I went a total of 4.25 miles in 41 minutes. Felt good.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
I had a good week on the treadmill - 28 miles after my 10 mile run today. At the start of my run it was sprinkling a little bit...and 90 minutes later when I walked out to my car - it was covered in snow. The treadmills face windows to the outside at Anytime was pretty interesting watching the change in weather over that 90 minutes.
I am sick on snow and cold. I want spring to be here. I want to go watch a Twins game and drink a beer the sun...Is that too much to ask for? Probably.
Friday, March 8, 2013
How many times in your life have you typed or wrote RHINOCEROSES
I was watching a show tonight while running about saving the RHINOS in South Africa...which got me many times have had to spell Rhinoceros ... turns out not that many ... and thank you SPELL CHECK. On a side rhinos are really cute.
Ran a slow pace today...which is what I wanted to do. I will start a little speed training next week...see if I can't start shaving some time off my pace. I did another 6 miles tonight in just over an hour.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Get To A Better State
My puppy is crazy...and is getting its becoming a more dangerous crazy...Yikes!
I took 2 days off...somewhat to rest my body and also because I have not had time...But, I was able to get another 6 miles in tonight in 55 minutes. Not sure I will be able to finish this years race in 1:43 like I did last year...I will see how much progress I can make in the the next 2 months...
Mom...hope you found a great dress!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Blade Runner
Is everyone as excited to watch BEAUTY & THE BLADE RUNNER on ID tonight? I am pretty sure that the blade runner thought his girlfriend was an intruder...liar liar pants on fire...
Just because you have blades for legs doesn't mean you can go around shooting your girlfriend.
I ran again today...what a productive weekend on the treadmill for me...I ran an easy 6 miles this afternoon. Didn't try to over due it...just wanted to put in some more some endurance.
Its raining ... its pouring...
Laney is sleeping in one of her favorite spots...she is strange..
Saturday, March 2, 2013
I'm Loaded With Standard Features
Pretty nice little Saturday I put together for myself...
Puppy class at 9 am that I was late for...Laney only had 25 minutes to be a PITA (Mom, that's short for...PAIN IN THE ASS). So, that went well...At least class is here in Brookings now and we don't have to drive down to Sioux Falls.
Went for a run in the afternoon. Went 7.5 miles in about 72 minutes...felt pretty good. If I can keep up this training regiment I will be ready for doubt.
Pretty exciting Saturday night I am having....Wiffers is in Vegas at a "conference." I am at home doing laundry and naming my unborn children...and taking take of Nugget the PITA.
There is no telling what could happen Sunday - Should be amazing.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Best Run In A Long Time....and other thoughts
So my run today felt really pain in my foot...and I actually picked up my pace as the run went has taken awhile, but I think my body is remembering how to run. It probably is helping that I am shedding my winter coat...down about 15 lbs since January....and another 10-15 to go.
6 miles in 55:38 -
That also puts me at 25 miles this week with a couple days to go.
Remember that one time Laney ate a threaded needle....and then your wife calls you freaking out that the dog ate a threaded needle ...I do because it happened tonight....but then after you have turned around half way to the gym you get a test message that says...this is what I pulled out of Laney's mouth & throat...YIKES!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to go running today to get the soreness out...that didn't go so well. I hurt every step of the way...I think I caught a glimpse into how boo boo feels when he runs because my right foot hurt every time it hit the treadmill....awesome.
Anywho, I managed to go 6 miles in that was an improvement from my past month.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Oscars Suck
I hate the Oscars. I hate the Oscars so much that I would rather run 13.1 miles on the treadmill that's what I did...and now I am laying in bed and my body already hurts...and my inner thighs are so chaffed...and I think that's enough information for now...but if you would like more me.
The wiffers put in 6.5 miles tonight as well. Boom.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
That time last night when I ran 5.5 miles in 54 minutes?
Hi Mom! I wonder if you even read this blog anymore? I know my brother and sister do not...
Boo Boo - Wart
Lori - Herniated Disk
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I Was Sweating Alcohol
That's right...I had a few hundred ounces of beer this weekend...and today for 53 minutes on the treadmill I was sweating it out. I believe I still have a little bit left to get out of the system...but today was a good start.
5.3 miles in 53 minutes...
Let me know when it gets cold.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentine's Day 5k
I was one of 3 dudes at the gym tonight...that's a good sign...I hope everybody else was out with their sweetie.
We have puppy class on Thursday nights...but Laney got sick this afternoon so we didn't go to class since she is contagious.
But then we didn't make any Valentine's day plans...
So why not run a 5k.....
It was an okay run ... and that's all I have to say about that
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Lightning And Iron Dont Mix
Good run tonight...not very many peeps at the Planet to distract or annoy me...
Went 6 miles in 58:55. I am still running at a snails pace...but feeling better and the pace will pick up soon enough. My legs were a little sore tonight from a workout that the Wiff and I did on Tuesday night.
Anyone else running?
I am sure Mom is sick of reading my nonsense...
Someone give her a break.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
What Blizzard?
The blizzard couldn't stop me from running today...
My lack of motivation couldn't stop me from running today...
My sore legs from yesterday couldn't stop me from running today...
I ran 3.1 miles in 30 minutes today...wasn't anything special...but its progress. Put in just under 20 miles this week. Not too shabby.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Multi Tasking
First of all...the most annoying person at the gym is the guy who can't stop looking at himself in the mirror-while pulling up his shirt to look at his stomach-while flexing...THAT GUY IS THE WORST...
The second most annoying person is the guy who grunts on every lift...unnecessary. Especially unnecessary when you are an overweight middle aged man. If I can hear you on the other side of the gym while running on a treadmill while wearing headphones and listening to music...YOU ARE JUST BEING RIDICULOUS - SO KNOCK IT OFF YOU ASS.
Even with that business going on, I had a very productive run. Went 6.5 miles in 67 minutes today...and it felt pretty good. And that was after I officiated/coached three 4th grade basketball games...which is exhausting...there are only so many double dribbles / travels / TO's / missed lay ups / can I go to the bathroom / when can I go back in coach / shots taken not even facing the basket that a guy can take.
Tomorrow morning I should wake up weighing less than 200 lbs...GOOD JOB AARON.... How bout you not let yourself go like that again.
I don't want to look like Brian's chubby brother at his wedding. I know my head will look big (because compared to Boo Boo's tiny little melon, everyone else has a big head - including Lucy & Luke).
Longest blog posting ever...but its okay because I did it while going #2 - MULTI TASKING. BOOM.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Booooom Booooooom Pow
Yesterday....I manged to run 5.77 miles in 60 minutes.
Most of the run felt pretty good...and some of it sucked.
I got nothing run today...Thursdays are puppy class night in Sioux Falls. And in case you were wondering...Laney pretty much dominated class tonight ...
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Anytime Fitness
I made a 9 pm 5K run tonight. I have a lot of excuses not to run, but one of them is not "My gym is not open."
Anytime Fitness really means 24 hours a day...7 days a week....its like I have a key to the place...because I do have a key to the place ... and so do all the other least all the other members who have not lost their key.
Anyway, I ran...and it was good as it could be I guess.
I am not in shape...not even close.
3.1 Miles in 30 minutes...what a rush.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Did You Get Yours?
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Super Bowl Run
Second straight day I went running...pretty happy with myself. So for the weekend I put on over 10 miles...YAY!
I have also started tracking my food / calorie I know when I have had enough food for the day...we'll see how long I keep this up, but it does make me more conscious of what I'm putting in my body.
I was one of 3 people in Anytime Fitness today...didn't have a problem finding a treadmill.
Back At It
So training for this years half marathon has started about 6 months later than last year .... that means my legs should be nice and rested - at least that's what Boo Boo would say.
I did go run on the treadmill today ... it wasn't great. But I managed to run / walk for an hour and cover over 5 miles.
I have gained about 25 lbs since moving to SD...real proud of that...should have enough time to drop all of that before the half...gonna have to be a little more focused for the next few months.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Ummmmm. Yeah.
Summer softball season is over - we ended up in fourth place - 9 wins, 4 losses. Fall ball starts next week. We have practice this week. How depressing....
My latest obsession - back to diet. For some reason I decided to count my daily carb intake and realized that I take in double my recommended intake. Too many carbs are BAD for you and can cause diabetes. So, I've been trying a couple small changes to decrease the carbs and increase the protein. It's been hard because a lot of my high protein food choices are also high in carbs. This has resulted in some serious hunger. I need to figure it out before I accidentally eat the kids.
Where do you go to find reliable information on diet and fitness?
I tried to sign up for Twin Cities Half Marathon a couple months back, but registration was closed. I guess that race fills up super fast. Bria is going to run the Full, so I will have to be happy with cheering her on. Not sure if I will try signing up for anything else this year - would be nice to do something in the fall (Octoberish). I am also going to do an obstacle course race next year (Jill said she would come to town and do it with me) and I also think it would be fun to do a Zombie run if I could find a few team mates (hint, hint).
Please send kudos out to my hubbie - he did a Century on Saturday in the Tour de Tonka. From what I gather it's kind of like a runner doing a marathon. He did a great job and now he can cross it off his bucket list!!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Astronaut Jones
Here is what today looked like for me...
And the map...I was all over the place...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Its Always A Good Day When...
You know what that means.....NEW FREE SHOES!!!
I started with these...The Ghost 4
And then moved into the Glycerin 9...
But that wasn't enough...I needed some lightweight shoes to do some speed work I got the Pure Flow..
And now I am going back to the Ghost series...and I am going to soon have the Ghost 5's!
Changing up from the Green to the Yellow!
I have forgotten to run the last 3 days...oops.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday, Monday, Monday....
2.53 miles in 28 minutes....
Hopefully I can make it two days in a row tomorrow!
Dear Zoe...
When you are working with this giant vacuum...
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sunday Run
Miles: 3.7
Time: 30:25
Pace: 8:12
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Oh, And Boo Boo
Sometimes I have even gone out for "early morning runs." Nice job Boo. So proud of you.
Skye Island Drive II
Here is the route and elevation.
If you have been looking back at my blogs from last September, specifically Sept. 8th, you will remember that the last time I ran that hill I blogged this:
Skye Island Drive
Because of the flooding, I had to take a new running route...and it stands to reason the streets that are not flooded are the ones that are at the highest Skye Island Drive. Well, I ran up that road today and I disliked every step of was about .7 of a mile long and way too steep.So, things have not changed. It sucked just as much today as it did last September. The Wiff did not appreciate it either. It was a good week for me - I ran 6 of 7 days this week. Boom.
Saturdays Run
Miles: 4.5
Time: 55:35
Pace: 12:21
Late Night Run...
Just like my brother, I forgot my ipod on the way to the fitness center. Granted when I realized I forgot it I was only about 10 steps on my journey, but that would've been ten more steps added to my workout...we can't have that!
Anyways, I ran 3 miles in 32 minutes.... Not too shabby!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Don't Leave Home Without It
Fridays Run
Miles: 4.0
Time: 30:28
Pace: 7:37
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Who Thinks Boo Boo Can Figure Out This Problem?
Boo Boo, you're up - We need an answer by this weekend.
And has anyone heard from my sister?
Whats Your Form?
Wiffers form = limp wristed - fingers pointing towards the ground (yep, thats right - I was watching you)
Word Problem
For the thousands of followers out there keeping track...yes, that was my 3rd straight day of running.
Thursdays Run
Miles: 3.28
Time: 35:44
Pace: 10:52
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
I ran 2.5 miles in 26 minutes. That is all I could take. I need to ease my way back into this whole running thing. I had a good two weeks where I ran consistently....I call that serious training!
I'm An Idiot
Just in case you live under a rock, have no friends, have no television, do not read the paper and when you get on your computer you only read this blog...The Olympics starts on Friday. USA! USA! USA! USA!
Do you ever go running...look down at your watch and guess that you have been running for 45 minutes only to find out that you have been running for 23:11...and then cuss and swear under your breath and try to talk yourself out of turning around and going home right there. Me too, just about every time out.
Seriously, is that a watch she is wearing? Could it be any bigger? Why not just wear a grandfather clock around your neck?
Wednesdays Run:
Miles: 4.61
Time: 38:28
Pace: 8:20
Happy Birthday Bdahl
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Black Cat Tuesday
It was a beautiful night for a run. A little breeze and about 70 degrees.
Tuesdays Run:
Miles: 3.05
Time: 33:14
Pace: 10:54
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hailing From Rock Bottom, Loserville, Nothing Town
The map of my run is below along with the elevation. Boo Boo, I noticed that your runs have been awful flat...don't be scared to mix in 1 hill a week! Boom.
Sundays Run:
Miles: 3.35
Time: 29:10
Pace: 8:42
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I Got Nothing
Saturdays Run:
Miles: 6.0
Time: 51:43
Pace: 8:37
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Long run.......
Yesterday, I went for about a 2 mile run outside, nothing too great...but it was fun to run outside again.
Tonight I went back to the treadmill for another 2 mile run.
Love Run
Miles: 2.3
Time: 25:14
Pace: 11 ish
I also rode bike to and from work today ...
Got a call from my brother today - he said he has been running. As far as I am concerned, if you don't BLOG about never really happened.
Sorry Bro
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My Domination Of July Continues
It was a lofty goal, but I did wasn't easy, but I felt good when I was done.
Sundays Run:
Miles: 4.45
Time: 37:48
Pace: 8:29
So here is a quick look at my domination of July:
2 Runs for 7.45 miles
Saturday Morning Run...
Booney just dominating the running scene right now...just needed to get them into the right climate I guess.
If the Twins are trying to make the A's feel all warm and fuzzy about themselves...they are doing a hell of a job.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Saturday morning run.........
I ran for 3.02 miles in 30 minutes. If my math is correct, that's a little less than 10 minute miles.....I'm quite speedy!
Courtney ran on the treadmill and did weight lifting!
It was good to get the workout out of the way, so now I can enjoy the day!
Friday, July 13, 2012
It was a good week...
I ran outside today for 2.8 miles. I love running outside so much more than running on the treadmill...even if it is 100 + degrees outside. Today it was only 98 degrees outside (thank goodness for the rain this morning), so I took advantage of the cool weather.
Oh, and I did go for a short bike ride today also to air up the tires on the that counts in my training too!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Allergy Shot
So my question to you is - How do you think I answer this question?
A) 10-23-77
B) Do you not have a birthday? And why would you want mine?
C) Sorry, it is not for sale.
I was also sitting behind a guy who had just a wonderful t-shirt on...
Reason #426 NOT TO BE THAT GUY...STD does not stand for So Totally Drunk.
Really? It doesn't? Pretty sure thats not what 99% of people think it stands for...
Monday, July 9, 2012
Belching All The Way
I've heard from a few different runners, the benefits of runners cross training with the bike, so AT, I think you are definitely going to go faster next year! I thought I would give it chance this summer, too. Our fam is signed up to do an organized family ride in Mankato in September (i.e. food and drink stops, music/bands). Paul is going to get some type of attachment so Luke can hook up to his bike and I guess I will be pulling Lucy in the Burley. Thank God we let them know the circus was coming.
Boo - try more protein. Supposed to increase the size of the muscles - might help with your head situation.
I am SO happy we are going to continue with the blog and I know all of our fans will be, too. I have been flooded with text messages begging us to we shall.
Juice Newton
- Rode my bike to work today. Its 4.6 miles each way...mostly downhill on the way there and uphill on the way home.
- Boo Boo is now a member of Map My Run! Welcome to when you get done running you can track your miles on the computer and then blog about it. Lets see...members of Map My Run include: Booney, Erica, & Aaron. Is anyone missing?
My excuse list
- It was too hot
- I have not been running in a while
- I had no energy left because I rode bike to and from work today.
Miles: 3.0
Time: 25:26
Pace: 8:28
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Its All In The Name
- I think I could run faster in 2013...all I would have to do is hold off shitting the bed for the last 3 miles and I could put up a little better time. I am still trying to scrape the remnants out of my clothes from that finish.
- My guess is that team BOONEY will not start training until April.
- Showing up on time would be helpful. Maybe we should camp out at the dome the night before?
- Do you think Boo Boo will have a bigger head by next year?
Monday, July 2, 2012
I just want to point out...
I'm just sayin'
Can we go FASTER in 2013???
I just love my brothers for their own unique qualities and this blog makes those qualities SHINE!
I have had so much fun over the past year "training" for the half marathon and it's all because of my brothers. I have loved the blog because it has given me a way to keep up with the brothers and to feel much closer to them. Thank you both so much and I love you.
My vote is to keep up the blog and train for faster times at Fargo in 2013. What do you guys think?
I've been working pretty exclusively on my strength training since my Minneapolis Relay. I was saddened to find my upper body strength had decreased significantly over the two months prior to Fargo. I've only done a few short runs, otherwise it's been Boot Camp class and Thai Boxing class.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
You have got to be kidding me.
You are a running fool Booooooo.
I am impressed.
Life is plugging along here...
We are in the middle of operation get your ass back home - stay posted.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Where have all the bloggers gone?
Courtney has also ran/cardio 10 out of 12 days!! She is well on her way to a PR as well.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Training Complete
Wednesdays Run
Miles: 3.78
Time: 30:00
Pace: Snails
And here is the total training that I did for Saturday
The One That Aaron DOESN'T Give As A Choice....
Remember that one time when AT and Boo were out fishing and Boo got his line caught in the tree in the woods? And do you remember how AT went into the woods to get the line and ended up getting poison ivy all over his body? And then do you remember how AT was itching SO BAD and he took a shower and the HOT water felt SO GOOD that he kept making the water hotter and hotter? And do you remember how he ended up getting burns all over his body from the hot water, ON TOP of the poison ivy?
I do.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
If I'm Gonna Hit A Traffic Jam
Beautiful night for a run...I ran faster than I wanted to...but not much I can do about it now. One more run to go before I'm leaving...on a jet plane.
Sundays Run
Miles: 4.0
Time: 28:41
Pace: 7:10
Which of the following stories make you laugh the most?
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Runnin' Down A Dream
Unfortunately, the Twins did not do as well on Thursday against Toronto. I had the good fortune (if you can call it that these days), to attend the game. It was another whomping, but now I was on the losing end. This, my friend, is the ying and yang of life.
Last night I ran about 4.5 miles, but was not feeling so strong. I averaged 11 minute miles and struggled a little that last mile.
Today I ran my BIG run, and the last one before race day. I did an 11 miler today and averaged 11 min miles. My route had me going right by the gas station again at mile 3.3, which is so convenient! I was doing really good until I hit mile 7.5. It was around this time that I started to feel a little tired. Then, I felt a pain in my right knee, so I walked it off. The rest of my run was pretty tough. I also started to feel like I just didn't have any "fuel" in my stomach/system. So, I did more walking due to the knee pain and lack of fuel, than I normally do.
1) I was running too fast
2) I need to "fuel" up better/more prior to those big runs
3) I shouldn't have run last night, or run less than I did
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Last Long One
Thursday Run
Miles: 10
Time: 1:17:50
Pace: 7:46
Its still more than a week out...but here is what the forecast looks like for race day...