Sunday, October 16, 2011


OctoberFast was a success!  The only thing that could have been better is if Erica and I would have done a little more running than we did in the couple of weeks leading up to the race.
It was pretty interesting the way they ran the 5K and 10K races.  The same course (a 5K loop) was used for both races...but they didn't start the 10K race until after the 5K race was done.  This allowed me to watch Erica finish her first ever race, which was nice.  The only bad part about this was that Erica had the key to the car with her and I was a little chilly standing around waiting for the 5K to finish...I left all my warm clothes in the car.

Erica finished her race in 35:15.  There were a 154 runners that ran the 5K.  She was happy with how she did and enjoyed her experience...she is already talking about finding another race to run.

In preparation for my race...I hydrated with 3 liters on Mountain Dew on the day before my race.  It seemed to work...I managed to finish my race in 51:11 (8:15 pace).  There were only 92 people who ran the 10K and I ended up finishing in 49th.  I was happy with how I did...I think it could have gone a little bit better if I had ran a little bit more the last couple weeks...but I can't complain.

It was a very hilly course...lots of ups and downs and the wind was blowing pretty hard.  It didnt rain, which was amazing.  The temperature was around 50 degrees...a nice temperature for running.

As for the "Which Is Most Likely To Happen" game....
It didn't rain here...Lori didn't have to stop to go #2...So I think if you put your money on Brian not running a step on Saturday, you would be correct.  Boo Boo, can you give us confirmation on this?? 

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