Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year Leap Day

I am sure the last time I went for a run on February 29th was back in '65...

Planet Fitness is not nearly as crowded at 10:30 pm as it is at 5 pm - shocking, right?
Had a good run - even though it was eerily quiet.

I missed out on those pancakes yesterday - very disappointing.  I don't even know if we have an IHOP here?

Less than 3 months until race day -

Here is what the last run of February looked like...

Wednesdays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  31:44
Pace:  7:55

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Free IHOP Pancakes Today!

Just wanted to remind you!

Bring It On!! Nope. Definitely forgot it.

I had one of THOSE workouts last night...

Not feeling well - actually felt like I wanted to vomit, tired

Not feeling strong - actually had to decrease weights rather than put more on
                            - didn't have mental stamina to "breathe through the pain"
                            - gave up easily

Not feeling gratitude - wasn't really happy that I was able to work out
                               - just wanted to go home
                               - was just "putting in my time"

Did my boot camp class and skipped Tabatas.
Never going to make it to the finish line with this kind of training.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Still Have Plenty Of Wood To Chop

Went for an easy run today...just to get some of the soreness out of my legs from the run yesterday.

Mondays Run:
Miles:  3.0
Time:  28:38
Pace:  8:52

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nice Socks

Sunday is long run 10 miles was the plan and it went well.  If I wanted to...I am sure I could have easily finished up the last 3.1 miles to complete a half marathon.  I did pull a Lori today during my treadmill run.  At the 1.5 mile mark, I had to sprint to the locker room and drop the kids off...thank goodness I wasn't running outside.

Have you ever been really excited about a pair of socks?  Well, I was excited to wear my new pair of Brooks socks today.  Now after looking at the picture, it looks like I have weird shaped feet (thanks Mom - you know I got those from you).  If you haven't figured it out by now, I am a huge fan of Brooks.  The socks were wouldn't think that socks make a difference, but they do!

My Wiff got in an 8 mile run today as well!  411 Overton Street had a productive Sunday.

Sundays Run:
Miles:  10
Time:  1:22:40
Pace:  8:15

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Am Not In Great Shape...Compared To Alisha Perkins

So I took a workout from the blog (Alisha Perkins) that I shared yesterday.  In her blog she stated that it was an easy workout for her...I just wanted to see how easy it was - And I needed to do some speed work today anyway, so it worked out well.  Turns out the workout was NOT EASY, it kicked my butt - and I will be sore tomorrow...awesome.  Running 9 mph for 4 minutes is much harder than it sounds...give it a shot.

Here is what todays workout looked like...

Thursdays Run:
2 Miles @ 8:30
4 minutes @ 9 mph
3 minutes easy
3 minutes @ 9 mph
3 minutes easy
2 minutes @ 9 mph
3 minutes easy
2 Miles @ 8:30

6 miles total

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Run Like A Mother Blog

No running for me today...but I thought I would share this blog with the rest of you...I think that Lori and my Wiff will appreciate some of the posts.  Its written by the wife of one of the Minnesota Twins relief pitchers...Glen Perkins. 

Here is a link to her post today:
And yes, she does live a pretty good life...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nice And Easy

Went for a really easy 5K run today...I worked at 5 am this morning and just getting on the treadmill today was a win for me.  I also don't feel like I need to put in that many more miles this month...I don't want my body to break down.

Backbrace guy got a looks pretty good.  

Tuesdays Run:
Miles:  3.1
Time:  27:27
Pace:  8:51

Sunday, February 19, 2012

56 And Counting

I blogged at the beginning of the month that I was going to make this a 50+ mile month...and I have done that and then I put in miles 49-56.  I still have a week and a half to add to this total...

Pretty soon its going to be nice enough to run outside again - which I am looking forward to.  I am getting a little sick of the treadmill.  I think Lori and my Wiff feel the same way.....and then there is Boo Boo???

Sundays Run:
Miles:  8.0
Time:  1:05:44
Pace:  8:13

Friday, February 17, 2012

I Found The Boo Boo Doppleganger

Thats right...he works at a grocery store in Vestal, NY.  Next time I stop there and see him I will get somebody to take a picture of the two of us together...then you guys can be the judge. 

My run was uneventful today.  Didn't feel great, but got through it and did it at a pretty good pace so I can't complain too much.

I need new shoes - thank goodness the Brooks rep for my store is going to hook me up with a free pair!
Hopefully I have a pair of Glycerin 9 on the way.


Fridays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  31:28
Pace:  7:51

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fargo 1/2 Marathon

I'm registered.  Boom.

Boo Would Be Proud Of My Math

Its simple math...
1 mile = 5,280 feet X a 4 mile run = 21,120 feet.
And every single one of those feet hurt.  My legs are still sore from Monday. 

Wednesdays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  32:08
Pace:  8:01

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pseudo Runner

So....I guess neither of the "races" I have run are really legitimate, as there aren't any race results pages for either of them that can be applied to Aaron's new area for race results.  I take back all I said - Aaron is not a rookie at the blog!  It is ALL me!!
The weekend was a wash for me - all about the kids festivities, but I hammered on it Monday night.  I was super crabby Monday so I took out many frustrations in Boot Camp class.  I was going to go home, but then ran into a friend that expected me to be at Tabatas.  Of course I had to go.  Of course I was glad I did.  I really went after that, too.  I am really sore today.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Manic Monday

I slept in today...till this afternoon - and it felt glorious.  But then I had to get up and do my long run for the week.  The first 6 miles felt pretty good - and then I hated my life for the last 4 miles.  Its now 5 hours later and my legs are already sore...I think its going to be a long day tomorrow for me and my legs.

Mondays Run:
Miles:  10
Time:  1:22:14
Pace:  8:13

Happy Valentines Day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


You ladies finally now understand how important Sportscenter is to men who love is truly like crack cocaine.  Lori, I am going to go out on a limb and say that my Wiff spends way more time on that site than you do.  It must be good...

Lori...feel free to change the web address for your race results...I assume you can figure out how to do that...when I google Turkey Trot Minneapolis, 157,000 results show up and I don't know which Trot you ran.  Or you can send me the web address and I will change it.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pinterest - the new recipe for crack cocaine

So, I have to somewhat shamefully admit that I am now a member of Pinterest and it has consumed numerous hours that I should have spent sleeping.
When I first started began looking at pins, I was blown away and inspired by the pictures of muscular, very defined, healthy women and motivational quotes for fitness.  I still love the quotes and motivational words, but am starting to feel a little differently about the photos.  It didn't take long for my awe to turn from inspiration to desperation.  I began feeling "bad" that I don't look like them despite my hours of running and strength training.  I have been spending the last week calming myself down so I am in a much better place, now.

What a fine line there is between inspiration and demoralization....

Aaron - I clicked on my race listed in your new "Race Results" section and you have the wrong race!  I did the Tonka Trot 10 K in Minnetonka in October and the Turkey Trot in Minneapolis on Thanksgiving.  It's ok, we're all rookies.

Pull Ups for Mommies!

I want to be part of the 3% who are truly making it happen and not just "putting in my time".  As it is, I have limited time to devote to training, and frequently even that time is derailed.  I need to maximize, so I am going to work on pushing my intensity.
Tonight's Treadmill Run:
30 minutes
2.56 miles
Alternated incline throughout run - from 5 to 15 (max).  The 15 incline slowed me down just a little bit.

40 push ups
100 basic crunches
50 oblique crunches
6  "inside" pull ups (uses more of the biceps)
0.75 "outside" pull up (uses more of the lat muscles) - obviously a weaker muscle group of mine

I have been thinking lately about how I would like to be able to do pull ups.  Just because I think people look bad ass when they can really do them.  In my head, this is what I picture happening:

(Scene: School Playground)
Snotty nosed, know it all kid: " My mom is better than yours!  She's an astronaut for NASA!"
Lucas: "Oh yeah?  Well, my mom can do 25 pull ups without assist!"
(All children on the playground cower in awe and silence....)

Big Week

It was a big week of running for me...just completed miles 19-22 today!  Had another good run today.  Pushed my pace again...and finished with a pretty good time. 

I feel like I am in pretty good shape to make my 50+ miles this month.  I have gone 30 miles in 10 days...

Fridays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  31:08
Pace:  7:46

Lori, do us all a favor and fix your post in which your picture has not showed up!!  Come on rook!!  Get it figured out. 

You Don't Want To MIss!

I have been feeling really bad that AT missed National Pie Day, so I am trying to make it up to him.  Awhile ago, he posted a runner who wanted pancakes.

I am here to tell you to MARK YOUR CALENDAR!

FEBRUARY 28th is National Pancake Day!!

So, please be sure to head down to your local IHOP and get a free stack on that fabulous day!  It's like Christmas for runners....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Puppy Run

Took Zoe on what I believe is her 1st run...Well it was actually me running and her walking...she had to walk quickly to keep up, but it wasn't much of a challenge for her.  I took her on a trail where I could just let her off her leash so she could run around and do her own thing.  She did need to take a break at the end of our 1st mile...thats when I snapped this picture.

Thursdays Run:
Miles:  2.0
Time:  15:28
Pace:  7:43

People Are Always Asking Me Why I Run....

Running, cheaper than therapy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You Have Company

Lori, on half marathon day you are going to have 5,000+ people standing next to you feeling the exact same way that you do.  You are going to do great and you will be more than prepared.

Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Lori's post about the sit ups got me to thinking about how easy it is for us to stay within our comfort zone.  I think its human nature to do this - especially if there is not someone by your side pushing you.  When I was warming up and cooling down on the treadmill today, I was looking around at people...paying attention to their facial expressions trying to figure out who was there "putting in their time" and those who were actually challenging themselves.  My guess is that less than 5% of the people exercising at PF today were actually challenging themselves....some were sweating, but they were not challenging themselves.  I understand that not ever workout needs to be a butt kicker, but if you are going to might as well make it well worth you time.  Our bodies can handle much more than we think we can...

With that said, I did challenge myself a little more today and ran my fastest 4.0 mile time to date -

Wednesdays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  31:14
Pace:  7:48

For Lori

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Perfectly describes me

Cold Feet

I have to admit (to the 3 people who read this blog) that I am starting to freak out a little about the Fargo race.  It is feeling closer and closer, and I am feeling further and further away from being able to run 13 miles!  I am really hoping that the strength training that I have been doing on top of the treadmill running is going to work out. It's really hard for me to run more than an hour on the treadmill, just due to pure boredom and so I usually don't get more than 6 miles.  I think I am also having an especially difficult time this week because I did a workout on Monday night, but doesn't look like I will be getting another one in anytime soon.
Woe is me.
I am trying to keep my head up.  It won't be too long and I will stop being a pansy and start running outside again.  That should help with my anxiety as I will definitely be making myself do some big runs.  One thing I am getting better at is mental toughness.
  What a good point!
(This is me with push ups.  I used to really hate them but don't anymore.)
Nice job Aaron and Erica on the Chili Run!  You are both improving at an incredible pace - I am SUPER proud of you!
As an FYI - I spent some time with the other (non) blogging sibling this past weekend as we perused possible wedding ceremony venues (a.k.a  Churches).  I asked about this training and the blogging.  Both were a negative.  He is certainly being very secretive about his training.  Must be pretty intense.

Please Tell Me You Enjoy The Show Finding Bigfoot As Much As I Do

Bigfoot seems to be as elusive as finding a blog post done by my brother or sister.

Had a good run today...although my legs were pretty sore still from the 8 mile run on Sunday.

Tuesdays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  32:31
Pace:  8:07

Its our baby girls birthday tomorrow!!  She turns 2!  We are actually heading to Michigan this weekend so Zoe can visit her litter mates...should be a Dane good time...Wow, that was bad...really bad.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pre Super Bowl Run

Went on a long run today - felt pretty good.  Its never easy to do a long run on a treadmill...but I got it done.

Super Bowl Run:
Miles:  8.0
Time:  1:07:45
Pace:  8:28

I have the Patriots winning 38-28 tonight.

But, it doesn't really matter because I have queso and chips and bbq little smokies to eat during the I'm a winner. 

Guess Who

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rock My World

Lori texted me last night and said that she was watching my doppleganger in a movie called "Rock My World."
Never heard of the movie, but after I googled it - I did see that yes indeed my twin (Lochlyn Munro) is in that movie.  Good stuff.

Oh yeah, and I went running today...and it was awesome - or something.  I remember a few months ago when running a 8:30 pace was a positive...I am now at the point where an 8:00 pace is the norm.  I am on my way to a 50+ mile month...okay maybe its a little early to say I am well on my way.

Saturdays Run:
Miles:  4.0
Time:  32:16
Pace:  8:04

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Wanna Go Fast

Did a little speed work today at PF...Nothing too interesting.  Its getting a little bit more crowded @ PF...all those college kids need to get toned up before March...gotta look good on spring break!  Do you miss having college kid problems like that???

Thursdays Run:
Jog 1/2 mile @ 9:00 pace
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace
Walk 1/10 mile
Run 1/2 mile @ 7:03 pace

Making good progress towards having a great run in May