Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It Was A Good Month!

Today is the last day of the month and the first full month of running and I am pretty happy with what I did this month.  I have nothing to compare it to since I have never kept track of how much running I do. 

My run for today...I am noticing my pace has slowly been getting better -
Miles:  5.24
Time:  47:15
Pace:  9:00

August Totals
Miles:  62.67
Time:  9.86 hours
18 workouts for 8, 532 calories burned

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post Olive Garden Run

So I had a great dinner with Erica tonight at the Olive Garden.  I ate too much of course and that made me feel guilty enough to run when I got home.  I was able to burp up crab, chicken, and shrimp for the entire run - awesome.

Miles:  2.52
Time:  21:52
Pace:  8:41

Monday, August 29, 2011

Can I Get A Post From A Sibling?

Its finally cooling off here in NY - Making it a little easier to run - and I need all the help I can get.  Two days off did my legs some good...

Miles:  6.18
Time:  55:50
Pace:  9:02

Friday, August 26, 2011

I Hate Running

Had a great run legs felt great, I was highly motivated and the weather was just right.  This is just the way I wanted to start the weekend...yuck.

Miles:  2.78
Time:  24:41
Pace:  8:53

14.7 Miles for the week.

Planning on going hiking tomorrow. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Probably My Last Blog Until After The Clean Up

Hurricane Irene is going to hit us on Sunday or Monday - So says the weather peeps.  So today might be the last run for me for a while...especially if its as devastating as the earthquake we had this week.

Probably my most challenging run today...went on a pretty hilly route with one really tough climb. 

Miles:  4.65
Time:  44:07
Pace:  9:29

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake...Check / Burning Building...Check

Today will be the day that I will always remember as "The day I survived an earthquake (that I didn't feel) and ran past a burning building."  The sprinkles from the fire hoses felt really good around the 2 mile mark...

Miles:  4.05
Time:  38:38
Pace:  9:32

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Ghost And The Darkness

So I tried running at just before 5 today - And then my sister called me - And then I was going to walk out the door again, but then my brother called me...2 great excuses not to run!  But eventually I got in my the dark.

Miles:  3.22
Time:  31:12
Pace:  9:41

Good job on your 10 mile run sis!

Friday, August 19, 2011


Miles: 10
Time: 90 Minutes
Pace: 9:00

The SWEET  move and groove playlist that made this possible:

Love In An Elevator - Aerosmith
She's Enough - Atmosphere
If She Knew What She Wants - Bangles
Walking Down Your Street - Bangles
Hazy Shade of Winter - Bangles
In Your Room - Bangles
Be With You - Bangles
Welcome To The Jungle - GNR
Paradise City - GNR
Sweet Child Of Mine - GNR
Special - Garbage
Possum Kingdon - The Toadies
Shimmer - Fuel
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
Together Again - Janet Jackson
Who Will You Run To - Heart
What I Got - Sublime
Laid - James
She's Your Cocaine - Tori Amos
Go Deep - Janet Jackson
Ex-Girlfriend - No Doubt

Aaron - I know reading my playlist is a special time for you.  Hope you enjoyed!
My legs are jelly.  I may not be able to walk tomorrow. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

I dedicated my run to my mother today since it was her birthday...

Miles:  1.77
Time:  16:18
Pace:  9:12

Week Total:  12.37 Miles

Momma Bear, I don't see any of your other children dedicating a run to you. 
So, lets review the score:
Aaron +1
Lori 0
Boo Boo 0

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dont Speed In South Dakota

Had a great run the pouring rain.

Miles: 6
Time:  55:48
Pace:  9:13

Ran in new shoes today!  Brooks - Ghost 4.  

Running Machine!

Literally, I ran on the treadmill on Friday (8/12/11).  Didn't have a chance to post until now as I was out of town celebrating the holy matrimony between cousin Eric and MacKenzie.

Still no sign of The Boo..... even in Zumbrota.

I did a virtual active run through Zion in Utah.  Put the program on a moderately high challenge so there were frequent incline changes and also challenging inclines.  You can see the terrain on the bottom of the screen so I would increase the speed manually and go as fast as I could up the big inclines.  I also sprinted for as long as I could, almost 4 minutes, during a flat part of the run that was half way through the run.  I tried to sprint the last 5 minutes, but ran out of energy and was only able to sprint about 3 minutes.

Miles: 5 miles
Time: 60 minutes/Ran for 55 (5 minute walking warm up)
Pace: 11

Legs were actually quite sore on Saturday morning!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Speed Training

Lori - To answer your question a few blogs back about speed training, here is what I have read about and done in the past.

Go to a track -
Run 800 meters at a 8/8:30 minute mile pace - then take a 60-90 second break.
Repeat this 4-8 times depending on how much you want to work.

Find a pretty steep hill -
Run up this hill as fast as you can - then walk back down
Repeat this several times (all depending on how big / steep your hill is)

I think mixing in these workouts will help increase your pace!

Sunday Funday

Went for a run with Erica tonight -
 2.41 Miles

We hiked at a State Park yesterday for 4 hours - Legs were a little sore today.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Afternoon Delight

Finally ran farther than 3 miles - The day off yesterday did me some good. 

Miles:  5.14
Time:  47:57
Pace:  9:20

My guess is that Boo is going to start his training in May like he does most years. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yes, My Legs Are Sore

Miles:  3.3
Time:  30:19
Pace:  9:04

Has Anyone Seen This Guy?

Cushion for the Pushin'

Erica's shoes are a curiosity.  They look like shoes for people who like to run barefoot.  I can't even stand to walk around barefoot so I do not think these shoes would be good for me.  I like lots of cushion when I'm pushin' (on the pavement, that is!)!

As far as my playlist choices, I like to mix things up and be surprised.  I set my IPOD to shuffle and go with whatever comes up.  Your list seems to suggest that you are on your way to a rave....

Thanks for the props on the running!  You and Erica are doing a great job - you will both be ready for Fargo in no time!  I am thinking that Erica is going to run with us, too????

Oh, the summer of Boo....

What's Your Challenge For Today?

Ran last night with running partner.  We decided to do a 6 mile run.  At the 3 mile point, we turned around and decided we were going to try and beat our time on the way back.  We beat the first half by over a minute!!

Distance: 6 miles
Time: 57 minutes
Pace: 9.5 for first 3 miles: a littler over 8 for last 3 miles

Do you have any other ideas for "mini" challenges during a run to increase endurance and speed?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Its All In The Shoe

Erica and I went on her 3rd run tonight.  We stayed with the same game plan of running 4 minutes / walking 3 minutes and doing that 4 times.  We ran 2.15 miles and walked about .7 miles.  When we ran, we ran at a 8:30 pace, which is good.  Erica was breaking in some new shoes...they are interesting, don't think I could run in them, but she swears by them.  They are called Vibram Five Finger Shoes.  I am rocking some Nikes that need to get retired ASAP...notice the blood on the heel of my shoe...good times!

Do You Believe In Intuition?

No, but I have a strange feeling that someday I might...

Todays Run:
Miles:  2.85
Minutes:  25:49
Pace:  9:05

I ran at a very good pace today, but I am still struggling to push past 3 miles.
I am also going to run with Erica tonight...

Boo Boo Sighting

Obviously the SUMMER OF BRIAN has not ended yet...I think thats where our brothers focus is right now.

I Did hear from a little birdie that the Boo did make an appearance at the Farm this weekend, so he is alive.  Can't wait to read his first should be EPIC.

Oh, and nice playlist Lori.  WTF?  Air Supply?  Are you running or making love? 
Good call on the GNR, Aerosmith and Bon Jovi. 

Good job on your running though sis, seems like you are doing great.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Where is Boo?





I actually got a run in today!  I did work out on Wednesday - went to a kickboxing class.  I thought that might be good training for any close calls at the finish line.  But I digress...
I ran around Medicine Lake today - a little windy and very hot.  I always have trouble in the same spot around mile 6.  There is a very long, gradual hill.  My running partner calls this the "Gotcha!" hill because once you get to the top, you turn left and your mind thinks the hill should be over.  But that's not the case - you turn left and there is another hill to go up!  It is shorter, but still a very brutal part of the run.

The really awesome part of the run came at the end when I got to my car.  I couldn't find the key - lost it on my run.  Had to walk to park, borrow a cell phone and call Paul to come and bring me a key.  Classic.

Miles: 8
Time: 80 mins
Pace: 10:00
Terrain: hilly - moderate

Fire Door - AniDifranco
Welcome To The Jungle - GNR
Even Flow - Pearl Jam
Only Happy When It Rains - Garbage
You Outghta Know - Alanis Morissette
London Rain - Heather Nova
You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Love In An Elevator - Aerosmith
Few and Far Between - Shannon Curfman
Ex-Girlfriend - Gwen Stefani
Let's Go Crazy - Prince & The Revolution
What Have You Done For Me Lately - Janet Jackson
Nasty - Janet Jackson
Crazy On You - Heart
Where Have All The Cowboys Gone - Paula Cole
All Out Of Love - Air Supply

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Morning Run In The Sprinkles

I dislike the morning.  I don't function properly in the morning.  Loved the weather and the sprinkles felt good, but it felt like I was running in mud.  When I say morning, I mean 10:15 am. 

Distance: 3.03
Time: 29:45

Rock On.  I am a running fool.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2nd Run With Erica

Went out with Erica on her second run tonight.  She did a great job again.  We stuck with the same game plan of running 4 minutes - walking 3 minutes...and doing 4 reps of that...

2.2 Miles
28 Minutes

Great night for a run.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Why It Will Take Me A Full Year to Train for 13.1 is now Monday and I have not done any running in over a week due to having to take care of my children.  Today would be a running day but it is doubtful I will actually get to go since I am home with sick baby again today.  My next chance will be Wednesday.  It is a constant crap shoot.  Please pray for me.

Now We Go

Distance: 3 Mile Run this morning...and it was warm.
Time: 28:30
Pace: 9:30